
安贫乐道  ān pín lè dào








  • 劝人安贫乐道是古今治国平天下的大经络, 开过的方子也很多, 但都没有十全大补的功效。
    (鲁迅) Since ancient times urging men to find contentment in poverty has been one great way of preserving peace and order; but though many prescriptions have been made out, none is completely effective.

  • 安贫乐道的人是有福的,天国是他们的。
    Fortunate are those who are poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

  • 孔子是在告诉我们如何安贫乐道,或曰于丹如是解读。
    Confucius tells us how to live the happy life our hearts need, or so says Yu Dan.

  • 你应像园子里的花草不嫌土地贫瘠,像圣人一样安贫乐道
    Cultivate poverty like a garden herb, like a sage.

  • 教授捐献了自己的所有财产,尽管一贫如洗,他还是安贫乐道,乐善好施。
    The professor donates all his property, though penniless, he enjoys giving.

  • 再次,他还论及隐居生活的自我人格完善,也就是要保持安贫乐道的生活态度。
    Thirdly, he discusses the perfection of the self-personality in the solitude, that is, man should be content to lead a humble but virtuous life.

  • 在这指责背后隐藏着“安贫乐道”的价值标准,而这种将贫困道德化的价值观是十分可疑的。
    In this hidden behind the accusations "Anpinyuedao" values, which will be of poor moral values is very suspicious.

  • 成语“安贫乐道”、“陋巷箪瓢”、“箪食瓢饮”、“箪瓢屡空”、“迁怒于人”均来自本故事。
    Idioms "Anpinledao", "Piao Louxiang Tansu", "Piao Tansu potable drinking", "Tansu Piao repeated air", "people Qiannu in" all from this story.

  • 另一首常被播放的歌曲甚至更积极试图抚慰人心。这首歌建议:「啊,小人物,啊,快点成功。每天过著安贫乐道的生活。」
    Another much played song tries even harder to soothe. "Ah, little man, ah, succeed quickly, " it counsels. "Enjoy being poor but happy every day.

  • 主要创新观点有:泉州地域因素,不足以说明李贽异端思想来源;乃父安贫乐道,对李贽一生以求道为生存意义,有深远影响;
    Li Zhi"s father had a deep influence on the course of seeking Dao all the Li Zhi"s life;

  • 到目前有超过140个的天主教工人公社仍然致力于非暴力、安贫乐道、祈祷、以及热情接待无家可归者、流亡者、饥饿者、和遗弃者。
    Today over 140 Catholic Worker communities remain committed to nonviolence, voluntary poverty, prayer, and hospitality for the homeless, exiled, hungry, and forsaken.

  • 宁可数着自己手中的几个干无花果傻笑,也不愿意妄想拥有孔雀之门而被骆驼醍瞎眼。是说应该安贫乐道,还是说聊胜于无,一鸟在手,胜与百鸟在林?
    Better a handful of dried figs and content with that, than to own the gate of peacocks and be kicked in the eye by a broody camel.

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