
宏图大志  hóng tú dà zhì






  • 的国家的领导者却宁愿不谈这种宏图大志
    H. , prefer to stay away from such big-picture talk.

  • 我们要立大志宏图
    Let's think big, ie plan ambitiously.

  • 不过,在修建道路这方面,哈萨克斯坦政府也是想要立大志宏图
    But in this respect too the government is thinking big.

  • 然而,家族的第四代成品,高级工程师彼特·威克拥有更多的宏图大志
    However , the fourth generation , reinforced by Peter Wacker (1914-1983), a graduated engineer , had even more ambitious plans .

  • 8月8日下午,宏图大志——地理信息产业蓝图高层对话在哈尔滨市举行。
    The afternoon of August 8, grand ambitions - a blueprint for the geographic information industry, high-level dialogue was held in Harbin.

  • 一个有着和拿破仑一样身高,也同样有着和拿破仑一样宏图大志的杭州人。
    One has move and Napoleon same height, like having move and Napoleon as much the Hangzhou person of great plan high aim.

  • 他42岁就实现了许多青年有为的工程师梦寐以求的宏图大志:自己有个工厂。
    At 42, he had realized the ambition of many bright young engineers:to own a manufacturing business.

  • 我们热枕欢迎海内外各界朋友前来恰谈,真诚合作,展宏图大志,创百年辉煌!
    We sincerely welcome all friends from domestic and oversea markets to cooperate with us and fight for the bright future together.

  • 布什时代不欢而散之后,奥巴马总统的逻辑似乎是,宏图大志佐以更柔和、更有魄力的外交可以起到理想的效果。
    After the sullen, uncompromising finish to the Bush years, Mr Obama's logic seemed to be that a big agenda combined with softer, more engaging diplomacy could work in his favour.

  • 对于本。沙哈尔来说,幸福源自你的宏图大志的目标的设定并努力去实现它-你的直接行动应对你的现在和将来有利。
    For Ben-Shahar, happiness derives from setting and working toward goals that feed into your big picture - your immediate activities should benefit you now AND in the future.

  • 但无法评估却更可怕的是举国信心丧失,充满牢骚和抱怨,担心美国将从此衰退,担心下一代不能够追随建国诸父的宏图大志
    Less measurable but no less profound is a sapping of confidence across our land - a nagging fear that America's decline is inevitable, and that the next generation must lower its sights.

  • 虽然把宏图大志付诸实行的路途往往充满挑战,但我深信,国际法学院拥有如此杰出的领导人才和高素质师生,必能完成使命。
    To turn vision into reality is always daunting. But with such distinguished leadership and such high quality Faculty members and students, I am sure it will succeed in fulfilling its mission.

  • “天益嘉华人”将以健康事业的永续经营和发展,振兴民族产业,与国际知名保健品企业同台竞争,实现产业报国的宏图大志
    Tenet Jove shows broad ambition to revive national healthcare industry, compete with the top international healthcare companies and maintaining the sustainable development of the healthcare industry.

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