
宽大为怀  kuān dà wéi huái







  • 真是宽大为怀,老师原谅了我们。
    Generously, the teacher forgave us.

  • 格林先生对他人的缺点总是宽大为怀
    Mr. Green is indulgent of others' shortcomings.

  • 尊严啊,请对我宽大为怀
    Dignity, please be magnanimous.

  • 但他却不选择这样做。他从不宽大为怀
    and he won't, and he never does.

  • 他是一个宽大为怀的人。
    He is a man with generous nature.

  • 他一向宽大为怀,很多人都愿意和他交朋友。
    He is always magnanimous, so many people would like to make friends with him.

  • 我希望法官宽大为怀
    I hope the judge will be lenient.

  • 上帝就是教人不要做坏事,要做善事,要宽大为怀
    God will tell not to do anything bad, do good thing instead, and be generous to anybody, and to anything.

  • 斤斤计较,我们会处处烦恼;宽大为怀,才能得到快乐。
    And we'll haggle everywhere worry; Wide bosom, can be happy to.

  • 新中国宽大为怀,对国民党战犯“一个不杀”、关押改造。
    New China bounty is a bosom, to Kuomintang war criminal " one is not killed " , lock up transform.

  • 但你是宽大为怀,仁爱慈悲,缓于忿怒,富于慈爱的天主,并未抛弃他们;
    But you are a God of pardons, gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in mercy; you did not forsake them.

  • 范路易夫人的态度是不置可否,但是不管什么时候总显得乐于以宽大慈悲为怀
    Mrs. Van der luyden's attitude was neither yes nor no, but always appeared to incline to clemency.

  • 可是现在,甚至那些最讲究体面的太太们也觉得了爱国心,有必要宽大为怀了。
    But now, even the most strait laced felt that patriotism called upon them to be more broad minded.

  • 后来,上学了,老师教我们知识了,您的付出让我学会了奉献,您的宽大为怀,让我学会了宽容。
    Later, go to school, the teachers teach us the knowledge, you have the dedication I have learned, your generous-hearted, I learned tolerance.

  • 今天请你以怜悯和祝福的心对待你卑微的下民,请宽大为怀,听取我们的祈祷,宽恕并可怜我们吧!
    Look in grace and blessing on Thy humble people, and hear with loving-kindness, and spare and have mercy on us.

  • 这种体会可以宽大为怀地减轻那种容易使人气馁的责任感,也可以防止我们过于严肃地对待自己和别人;
    This realization mercifully mitigates the easily paralyzing sense of responsibility and prevents us from taking ourselves and other people all too seriously;

  • 这种体会可以宽大为怀地减轻那种容易使人气馁的责任感,也可以防止我们过于严肃地对待自己和别人;
    The experience could mercifully decrease the sense of responsibility which leads to disheartenment easily; meanwhile it could prohibit us from excoriating ourselves and others.

  • 我们不应象老式不好用的球杆那样,要求近乎完美的击球技术,而要象新式球杆,对击球者的错误宽大为怀
    Instead of being like the old, unforgiving club that required near-perfect performance, we should be like the new clubs that are generous with the faults of the golfer.

  • 我注意到,无论士兵还是老百姓对我这种宽大为怀的表现都非常感激,后来朝廷也听到了对我极有利的报告。
    and I observed both the soldiers and people were highly delighted at this mark of my clemency, which was represented very much to my advantage at court.

  • 战争结束之后,我方主张宽大为怀的处理方式,让日本人平安的撤出中国,在战争赔偿方面也采取几乎是一笔勾销的大方政策。
    After the war, Chinese government took a magnanimous policy: let Japanese retreat safely from mainland China and ask no compensation of war from Japan.

  • 规则反映了体育运动的本质,而运动员的风度,就是能够遵循规则去进行比赛,同时又能对对手宽大为怀,失败时能心平气和。
    Rules are the essence of sport, and sportsmanship is the ability to practice a sport according to its rules, while also showing generosity to one's opponent and good temper in defeat.

  • 战争结束之后,我方主张宽大为怀的处理方式,让日本人平安的撤出中国,在战争赔偿方面也采取几乎是一笔勾消的大方政策。
    After the war, Chinese government took a magnanimous policy: letJapanese retreat safely from mainland China and ask no compensation of war from Japan.

  • 比赛规则反映了体育运动的本质,具有体育运动风范就是能够按照体育运动规则进行比赛,同时又能对对手宽大为怀,失败时也能心平气和。
    Rules are the essence of sport, and sportsmanship is the ability to practice a sport according to its rules, while also showing generosity to one's opponent and good temper in defeat.

  • 周日,终于能休息的一天,却又可能遇上朋友不得不的倾诉,又长又情绪化的呱呱呱就算让人想摔电话,还是把义气兼宽大为怀的你借他用一下吧。
    On Sunday you won't have the patience to listen to your friend's long and involved saga of his or her recent emotional upset. Be tolerant, if possible, and lend an ear.

  • 这种体会可以宽大为怀地减轻那种容易使人气馁的责任感,也可以防止我们过于严肃地对待自己和别人;它导致一种特别给幽默以应有地位的人生观。
    This recognition of the un freedom of the will protects me from taking myself and my fellow men too seriously as acting and judging individuals and losing good humour.

  • 无可否认,若一个人对其仇敌施加报复,那他与被报复者不过是半斤八两;而若是他不念旧恶,宽大为怀,那他就比对手高出一等,因高抬贵手乃贵人之举。
    Certainly, in taking revenge, a man is but even with his enemy; But in passing it over, he is superior; For it is a prince's part to pardon.

  • 父亲的所作所向我表明:在这样一个遭灾遭祸的世界上要做一个男子汉--要坚持住做人的根本,并且安然无恙地护住你所钟爱的东西,你就得十分卖力,你就得付出代价,你就得宽大为怀
    He showed me, in a world marred by misfortune, what effort and sacrifice and generosity it takes to be a man -- to hold on to the essential things and to keep safe the ones you love.

  • 父亲的所作所向我表明:在这样一个遭灾遭祸的世界上要做一个男子汉--要 坚持住 做人的根本,并且安然无恙地护住你所钟爱的东西,你就得十分卖力,你就得付出代价,你就得宽大为怀
    He showed me, in a world marred by misfortune, what effort and sacrifice and generosity it takes to be a man -- to hold on to the essential things and to keep safe the ones you love.

  • 宽大为怀造句相关
