
寥寥可数  liáo liáo kě shǔ






  • 但生活不是童话完美的结局寥寥可数
    But life isn't a fairy tale and happy endings are few and far between .

  • 二十世纪初,有大学学位的妇女寥寥可数
    In the early 1900s , few women earned college degrees .

  • 马来西亚街头的书报摊,华文杂志寥寥可数
    Few Chinese magazines can be found on the newsstands in Malaysia.

  • 每次表演结束,还能自己动弹的铁武士寥寥可数
    By the end of his shows, only a few iron beasts still move.

  • 每次表演结束,还能自己动弹的铁武士就寥寥可数了。
    By the end of his shows, only a few iron beasts still move.

  • 环顾各行业,亦只有寥寥可数的公司能取得这样的成绩。
    Looking at various industries, only very few companies can achieve such results.

  • 34年前,这里一铲子的泥土里就算有蚯蚓,也寥寥可数
    Thirty-four years ago only a few earthworms, if any, could be found in a spadeful of his soil.

  • 但是,记者从多家房地产经纪公司获悉,签订补充协议的寥寥可数
    However, the reporter learned from the many real estate brokerage companies, signed supplementary agreement few.

  • 尽管我们现在还是会崇拜树神,但如果这些人真的存在,也是寥寥可数
    We still do it today, though few, if any, of us worship tree gods.

  • 然而,对于这个领域的研究还没有引起足够的重视,出版的研究寥寥可数
    However, the study of cuisine has not been taken seriously and published researches of this field are countable.

  • 目前,公开支持种族隔离的声音寥寥可数,民意调查者也无需提及这个问题。
    Today, open support for segregation is so rare that pollsters no longer bother to ask the question.

  • 香港似乎除了旅游之外,什麽都没有了,应该说香港本土的产品已经是寥寥可数
    Hong Kong seems to have nothing left but tourism. It can be said that you can count Hong Kong products on one hand.

  • 切尔西在两队的过往战绩中占优,利物浦在斯坦福桥球场获胜的次数更是寥寥可数
    Chelsea occupies superiorly in two teams passing successes, Liverpool the number of times which wins in the Standford bridge field is very few may count.

  • 在各国的直升机中2吨级左右的轻型直升机份额佔有量为45%,而中国寥寥可数
    In countries around the helicopter in the 2-ton share of the light helicopters for the 45 percent share, while China's few and far between.

  • 病人团体和互联网的帮助,以便把这些病患者接触研究,但正式的渠道,是寥寥可数
    Patient groups and the Internet are helping to put these sufferers in touch with researchers, but formal channels are few and far between.

  • 奇怪的是数部荷理活的大制作都只得到寥寥可数的票数。它们包括《时光凶间》、《E。
    What is surprising is that all big budget Hollywood films got very few votes, including "Time Machine", "E.

  • 与10年前一张新歌专辑过百万的销量相比,如今的新歌专辑销量能过万的都寥寥可数
    10 years ago with a new song album sales of more than a million compared to today's new song album sales to over a million are few and far between.

  • 中国的载人宇宙飞船的发射,使中国成为寥寥可数的可以发射载人飞船的国家,杨利伟的成功。
    China launches manned spacecraft, making China the very few countries that can launch a manned spacecraft, Yang Liweis success.

  • 只是人类长生不老的结果,没有新生的一代,到今天,学校里只剩下高年级,学生也寥寥可数了。
    But the result of immortality meant that there was no new generation. Today, only older students remained in school and even they were few in number.

  • 如果你等着灵感砸你脸上,你的工作会议将寥寥可数,与其等待,不如机械地启动你的创造发动机。
    If you wait for inspiration to slap you in the face, your work sessions will be few and far between. Instead of waiting, start your creative motor mechanically.

  • 当然,在这18年的发展中,深圳主题公园的确存在着不少的问题,为人所知的主题公园寥寥可数
    Certainly, in these 18 years development, the Shenzhen subject park indeed has many problems, the subject park which the manner knows very few may count.

  • 试想像一下,果实累累、大片大片的田野正等候工人来采摘,可惜做工的人却寥寥可数,你愿意伸出援助之手吗?
    to send out workers into his harvest field. " Imagine acres and acres of ripened fruit ready to be picked, and yet the workers are few. Will you help?"

  • 现场的销售人员告诉记者,目前咨询试乘试驾的消费者比较多,但交钱订车的人寥寥可数,大多数人只是关注而已。
    Sales staff at the scene told reporters that the current Advisory trial run a test drive of more consumers, but to pay for the car were very few, most people only concerned about it.

  • 如果你的球队没有一个围绕你来打造的战术体系,而是让球星的个人发挥来解决战斗,那么你连助攻的机会都寥寥可数
    If you're on a team that isolates and gives it up to the stars, you're not even going to get the attempts.

  • 如果你的球队没有一个围绕你来打造的战术体系,而是让球星的个人发挥来解决战斗,那么你连助攻的机会都寥寥可数
    Most systems that are built for the assist will boost a player's numbers. But the good/great ones can make those extra plays that get them a few more assists per game.

  • 对网路服务供应商来说,他们往往不太愿意在人烟稀少的地区进行网路布线,因为装设后可能只有寥寥可数的网路用户,导致不敷成本。
    Internet service providers, for their part, have been reluctant to provide access to sparsely populated areas. The handful of Internet subscribers they would reach wouldn't justify the expense.

  • 在以色列议会的17次委员会中,此次议会的后排议员寥寥可数,根本无法在票数上取得优势,因为太多的联合政府成员身居部长或副部长要职。
    With so many coalition members serving as ministers and deputy ministers, there will be too few backbenchers to give the government majorities in all of the Knesset's 17 committees.

  • 在此,一个经济体经常被比作一台机器,其逻辑结论在于:如同任何一台机器,经济总要从其外部摄取能量。然而接受这一理论的经济学家却是寥寥可数
    An economy is often likened to a machine, though few economists follow the parallel to its logical conclusion: like any machine the economy must draw energy from outside itself.

  • 但对于绝大多数的平头百姓和非神职人员来说,自中世纪以来,英语除了寥寥可数的“先生”、“博士”或“教授”之类的选择外, 就没有什么正式的敬语。
    But for the vast majority of commoners and lay people, English has since the middle ages had no formal honorific speech beyond sparse choices such as "Mr", "Dr" or "Professor".

  • 目前,成人第二语言的内隐学习已有一些实验结论,但是儿童第二语言内隐学习的实验研究还不多见,尤其是国内关于儿童第二语言的内隐学习的研究更是寥寥可数
    At present time, there are certain experimental conclusions set for implicit learning of L2 on adults, but there are few experimental studies of that on children, especially much less in China.

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