
形势逼人  xíng shì bī rén






  • 当前林业形势喜人,形势逼人
    Current forestry situation is satisfactory, the situation is threatening.

  • 形势逼人,不进则退,慢进也是退。
    The situation is pressing, we will also slow retreat into.

  • 形势逼人,迫使我们进一步改革开放。
    Pressing circumstances oblige us to deepen the reform and open wider to the outside world.

  • 形势逼人,迫使我们进一步改革开放。
    us to deepen the reform and open wider to the outside world.

  • 形势逼人,不进则退。
    The situation is threatening, do not enter retreat.

  • 本文认为,当前,形势十分喜人又十分逼人
    The article thinks, current, the situation is very satisfactory very threatening.

  • 发展到了关键时期,改革进入攻坚阶段,稳定面临新的情况,形势喜人也逼人
    Developed crucial period, reform enters phase of assault fortified positions, stability faces new case, the situation is satisfactory threatening also.

  • 武汉市建筑节能办公室工程师邵义安说,形势逼人,必须按照国家标准推行建筑节能。
    Wuhan City Construction Engineers released by the Office of Energy said that the situation is pressing and must be in accordance with the national standards of the construction of energy-efficient.

  • 面对强敌与保级压力,不能太重视以免束缚手脚,但也不能太过轻视,毕竟形势逼人
    In the face of strong pressure and avoid relegation, so as not to attach too much importance can not be bound hand and foot, but it can not be too lightly, after all, the situation is pressing.

  • 与深圳、浦东以及大连、天津等发展较快的特区、开发区相比,差距还很大,形势逼人
    As faster as the development such as Shenzhen, Pudong and Dalian, Tianjin special zone, development phase is compared, difference is very big still, the situation is threatening.

  • 全国高新区发展形势逼人, 无论从块头上看,还是从速度上看,湖北省都应有紧迫感。
    Situation of development of countrywide new and high area is threatening, no matter from piece look on the head, still look from speed, hubei province is due sense of urgency.

  • 十分荣幸能够担任委员会的主席并代表全体同仁在此宣读这份报告——危机中的国家:教育改革形势逼人
    It has been my privilege to chair this endeavor and on behalf of the members of the Commission it is my pleasure to transmit this report, A Nation at Risk: The Imperative for Educational Reform.

  • 全国服装行业形势发展逼人,已被列入大连市八大支柱产业的服装业必须寻找新的发展思路,创建大连服装工业孵化园便是思路之一。
    The present paper, pointing out the necessity of further developing Dalian′s clothing industry, suggests that a clothing industry hatching area be set up in Dalian and discusses how to carry it out.

  • 或许这又是件自相矛盾咄咄怪事:我们自己感到形势逼人,时不我待,但我们的社会却发出这种资讯,即没有什麽可行的方案能取代现状。
    In this is perhaps the outstanding paradox: we ourselves are imbued with urgency, yet the message of our society is that there is no viable alternative to the present.

  • 或许这又是件自相矛盾的咄咄怪事:我们自己感到形势逼人,时不我待,但我们的社会却发出这种信息,即没有什么可行的方案能取代现状。
    In this is perhaps the outstanding paradox: we ourselves are imbued with urgency, yet the message of our society is that there is no viable alternative to the present.

  • 形势逼人造句相关
