
一掷千金  yī zhì qiān jīn








  • 人的一生,总要有一次一掷千金的冲动。
    The person's lifetime, always want the impulse that spends money like water once.

  • 与牛顿的一掷千金相比,马克思的炒股规模小得多。
    And Newton's Deal or No Deal, Marx's much smaller size of the stock.

  • 其中不乏曾经一掷千金投资数个单元房产的投资者。
    These are a few units had reported investment property investors.

  • 一连几天,那些为见她一掷千金的人就让她挠手弄姿,替她照相。
    For a few days, those who had paid a fortune for the right could pose her and snap her picture.

  • 慢慢地,他拥有了无数的财富,生活奢华,一掷千金,妻妾成群。
    Slowly, he has a lot of wealth, living in great luxury, spending billions of dollars to Wives and Concubines.

  • 在有些国家,人们总想要把婚礼办得豪华体面,为此不惜一掷千金
    In some countries people spend ridiculous amounts of money on extravagant wedding ceremonies.

  • 在这种情形下一掷千金是一种选择,就是麦当娜“光芒万丈”时代的方式。
    Throwing money at the situation is one option, in a Ray of Light-era Madonna kind of a way.

  • 我发觉我在公会里再也没法从一毛不拔的铁公鸡变回一掷千金的大土豪了。
    I find that I can no longer impossible Association, the flowers change from the very stingy spending billions of dollars to the large orders.

  • 即便如此,又有多少人能够承受当价格只是符号或数字、一掷千金时的心跳?
    Even so, how many people can afford the price only when the symbols or figures, reported the heartbeats?

  • 当我们看见当下的一些“生态豪宅”作出一掷千金的投入时,也难免为之担心。
    When we see a number of current "ecological house" to make money inputs, it is unavoidable for worry.

  • 他想成为那个耀眼的小男孩,对着他的奴隶和看客们一掷千金,让他们都遵命办事。
    He wants to be the golden boy who dispenses largesse upon the serfs and groundlings who do his bidding for him.

  • 有人说奢侈品产业可以免受经济低迷的影响:真正的有钱人仍然有足够的钱一掷千金
    The industry has argued that it can resist a downturn: the seriously rich, after all, will still have plenty of cash to throw around.

  • 现实确实如此,一掷千金的球队史有多例——而在英超挥金如土的也并不止我们一家。
    There are clubs in the past who have spent a lot of money - and it has to be pointed out we are not the only club in England who spends money.

  • 在一个发展中国家,为所谓的“艺术追求”不惜成本、一掷千金,这种建筑理念无疑是不足取的。
    In a developing country for the so-called "artistic pursuit, " at cost, reported that construction is undoubtedly desirable idea.

  • 沈阳市原国资局局长郭久嗣贪污受贿,长期包养情妇,为博情人欢笑竟一掷千金,群众早有举报。
    Shenyang Guo original evaluation Secretary-more corruption, the long-term support his mistress, Bo Le laughter was reported, the masses had reported.

  • 在前景黯淡的时局下,知道有的有钱人照样在一些老派的嗜好上一掷千金实在是件令人欣慰的事情。
    It's comforting to know that amidst all the gloom and doom, a few of the rich are still engaging some good old fashioned, eight-figure indulgence.

  • 尽管发掘一流的艺术品仍很困难,不过艺术商在展会期间的经历证明,人们很乐意为收藏一掷千金
    Sourcing first-class art may still be difficult, but the experience of the Maastricht dealers over the past few days is that there is no shortage of money to spend.

  • 几天后,湖人反客为主,也玩起了相同的手法。但此举可比拜纳姆生日派队上向陌生人一掷千金聪明点。
    A few days later, the Lakers have thrown it back, showering him with hard cash in a move that seems only slightly smarter than pelting strangers with dollar bills.

  • 它提醒我们,今天的中国企业能够获得的利润有限,还不能像美国的企业那样“一掷千金”地“玩营销”;
    It reminds us, the profit that Chinese enterprises can obtain is limited today, so it can't "play with marketing" with "spending money extravagantly" like the enterprise of U. S.

  • 有些人为了办个豪华婚礼不惜一掷千金,可是我们还是觉得婚礼应该多一点家庭的温馨,少一点金钱的装点。
    Some people spend ridiculous amounts of money on extravagant wedding receptions, but we agreed that the wedding party should be less about money and more about family.

  • 南京商人在一掷千金买下顶级豪宅后心满意足,他说之所以长途跋涉是因为南京根本没有如此让他心仪的住宅。
    Nanjing businessmen in top luxury home after spending satisfied, he said that was long distances because there is no case for him sending Nanjing residential.

  • 他表示,如果你常常通过逛街,一掷千金买一些无用的商品,或者大吃大喝来排解情绪的话,那证明你压力很大。
    If people feel relieved after shopping, buying useless items or eating and drinking to excess, then it is a sign of great pressure, he said.

  • 政府获得钱的方式只有三种,然后就在那些蓄势待发的项目上一掷千金,但是这三种方式都会导致随之而来的消极经济后果。
    There are only three ways the government can obtain funds to throw at all their shovel-ready projects and all three leave in their wake negative economic consequences.

  • 富有的日本和中国饮茶者很乐意掏数百美元购买春天采摘的顶级茶叶,就像西方的爱酒人士会一掷千金购买一瓶上等红酒一样。
    Wealthy Japanese and Chinese tea drinkers will happily spend hundreds of dollars on the best spring-picked leaves, much as Western oenophiles splash out on a good bottle of wine.

  • 户外用品商店经常把顾客带到加拿大洛基山内的马斯卡瓦-科驰卡管理区内,也有些是一掷千金,只求打到个大猎物的豪客们。
    Several outfitters guide clients into the Muskwa-Kechika Management Area in the Canadian Rockies, and some take hunters, who pay thousands of dollars for a shot at big game.

  • 一掷千金的瑞士大型工业公司-ABB的老板,他最近谈到这是“我们也许今生再不会有的”机会,代表了很多经理人的观点。
    The boss of ABB, a big Swiss industrial concern with cash burning a hole in its pocket, spoke for many executives when he recently talked of opportunities "we may never see again in our lifetimes".

  • 其余的NBA球星在家的装饰、娱乐、健身设施上都是一掷千金,豪宅就像一个个“独立王国”,最先进、最舒适的设备应有尽有。
    The rest of the NBA stars home decoration, entertainment, fitness facilities are reported, a house like a "independent kingdom", the most advanced and most comfortable equipment included.

  • 无论英国最终决定在什么项目上一掷千金——台风是战斗机也好,航空母舰也好,装甲战车也好——BAE都会成为主要的武器供应商。
    Whatever Britain eventually decides to splurge on—be it more Typhoon jet fighters, aircraft carriers or armoured cars—BAE is likely to be a key supplier.

  • 荣智健购买赛马一掷千金,他是香港皇家赛马会的名誉主席,也是白桦果园的主人——这座位于西苏塞克斯郡的庄园曾是斯多克东伯爵麦美伦的乡村别墅。
    With wealth came racehorses, a stewardship of the Royal Hong Kong Jockey Club and the ownership of Birch Grove, Harold Macmillan's former country home in West Sussex.

  • 电视广播主持人,69岁的葛洛利亚汉尼佛德,对穿着有着卓越品味的她,并不需要一掷千金就能够在30多年来把她的优雅通过荧屏和电波展示给我们。
    Television and radio presenter, Gloria Hunniford, 69, has graced our screens and airwaves for more than 30 years, and is canny about dressing with elegance without spending a fortune.

  • 一掷千金造句相关
