
一败涂地  yī bài tú dì







  • 我们有准备, 决不会一败涂地
    We just can't possibly fail completely, after all the preparations we've made.

  • 我们的足球队今天一败涂地
    Our football team really took it on the chin today.

  • 你可能赢下所有比赛,也可以一败涂地
    You can win it all or lose it all.

  • 该国在谈判中将一败涂地
    This country will be crippled in negotiations.

  • 背道的人通常是先在道德方面一败涂地
    Apostasy often has its roots in moral failure.

  • 银行家的信誉一败涂地
    Bankers' reputations are mud.

  • 还击精心设计你的毁灭的人,让他们一败涂地
    Let those who devise thine undoing be hurled back to confusion and infamy.

  • 必须先从家里自杀自灭起来,才能一败涂地呢!
    We must start killing each other first before our family can be completely destroyed.

  • 复赛简直不是比赛:利物浦队把他们打得一败涂地
    The replay wasn't much of a contest:Liverpool walked all over them.

  • 他的首场演出一败涂地,观众发出嘘声把他轰下了台。
    His first performance was a debacle : the audience booed him off the stage.

  • 选举上一时的失败并不意味著我们从此就一败涂地了。
    Losing an election does not have to mean losing our way.

  • 不过他马上补充道:「我们也有机会搞得一败涂地。」
    "We also have the opportunity to fall flat on our face, " he quickly added.

  • 致命弱点;(尤指某人个性中可导致一败涂地的)缺陷。
    Weak or vulnerable point; fault, esp in sb's character, which can lead to his downfall.

  • 他用不了多久就会一败涂地。我是说,你看见那个助理没有?
    This is "Mode, " not "Dog Fancy. " Done. What do you want me to do with the.

  • 其实不管谁出任领导,工党似乎注定在下届大选中一败涂地
    It is not as though Labour looks absolutely doomed to be routed at the next election, whoever heads the party.

  • 你可能不会像我当初一样一败涂地,但是人生不可能一帆风顺。
    You might never fail on the scale I did, but some failure in life is inevitable.

  • 越有风险的地方得到的汇报越多,但是一败涂地的机会也更大。
    In a great river great fish are found; but take heed lest you be drowned.

  • 美国既失意又左右为难,不论在国内还是国际,都是一败涂地
    The United States is unhappy, divided and foundering both at home and abroad.

  • 言辞夸张:言辞浮夸,吹的天花乱坠会使原本合理的商业计划一败涂地
    Over-Hype: Too much hype and the overuse of superlatives can be the downfall of an otherwise sound business plan.

  • 当英国加入到欧洲中来时,面对现实的震荡要么使她大获成功要么叫她一败涂地
    When Britain comes into Europe, the shock of facing reality will either make or destroy her.

  • 欧洲也大伤元气:一败涂地的瑞士银行、富通银行和苏格兰皇家银行的经理们都已经下了课。
    Europe has let lots of blood, too: the bosses behind fiascos at UBS, Fortis and Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) have gone to the guillotine.

  • 在2004年的地方选举中社会党席卷选举,却只迎来三年后罗雅尔在总统选举中一败涂地
    At the 2004 regional election, the Socialists swept the board—only for Ms Royal to fall flat in the presidential election three years later.

  • 当4点整的收盘铃声响起,止住这一败涂地的狂泻时,指数已经暴跌了恶梦般的190。58点。
    By the time the 4 p. m. closing bell halted the rout, the index had dropped a nightmarish 190. 58 points.

  • 片中那位一败涂地的职业拳击手蒙顿·麦克林托克,由一名曾在皇家海军打过拳的年轻演员饰演。
    The down-and-out prize-fighter, Mountain McClintock, was played by a young actor who had boxed in the Royal Navy.

  • 现在他是一败涂地,毫无希望了;他已经注定了马上就要完蛋,成为一个无家可归,无亲无友的可怜虫。
    He was ruined past hope now; his destruction would be immediate and sure, and he would be an outcast and friendless.

  • 贫穷,富足,疾病,健康,战争,车祸,一败涂地飞黄腾达,在这一切的背后,还有哪颗灵魂是真正幸福的?
    Poverty, affluence, disease, health, wars, traffic accidents, complete defeat, fast promotion etc. are confusing. Which soul is really happy behind all of these?

  • 对于一个企业,不同的管理模式和水平,可以完全改变其原有的状态,即可使之起死回生,也可令其一败涂地
    As an enterprise, the difference administration pattern and level can change its original condition completely, it can not only make its success but also make its end up in failure.

  • 前总统梅加瓦蒂夫人领导的反对党印尼民主斗争党也一败涂地,仅获得14。5%的选票(上次大选为18。3%)。
    So is the opposition Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle, or PDI-P, of Megawati Sukarnoputri, buy wow gold, a former president, also with 14. 5% (18. 3%).

  • 这首歌只会使他们一败涂地,它将提醒每个印度人,还有千百万名百姓,由于国会政策错误而沦落贫民窟。──贾维德卡。
    This song will ensure their defeat because it will remind every Indian that millions of people still have to stay in slums because of faulty Congress policies.

  • 他脱口而出:“听着,州丈,明年您将竞选总统,如果您否决这项法案的话,我们将在德克萨斯州让您的总统选举一败涂地。”
    Then he burst out, Look, Governuh, you're going to run for President next year, and when you do, were going to beat your brains out in Texas if you veto this bill.

  • 一败涂地造句相关
