
上行下效  shàng xíng xià xiào







  • 文王的儿子武王,上行下效,也很孝顺文王。
    King Wu emulated his father, King Wen, by being filial too.

  • 上行下效,当头儿的老违反规章制度,事情那能办好呢?
    How can things improve when leaders start violating the rules and regulations with their subordinates following suit?

  • 两个助手既然无能,就上行下效,再为自己找两个更加无能的助手。
    Now that the two aides incompetent, To follow suit, for their inability to find two more aides.

  • 上梁不正下梁歪,上行下效,于是,即使一般银行工作人员,都可以滥用手中的权力。
    Beam, the business calling the shots, so that even ordinary bank staff can abuse their powers.

  • 皇帝为自己荷包著想,官员上行下效,贪污风气延续到清末,遂成为清朝衰败的主要原因。
    As the emperor set this selfish example, so the bureaucrats followed suit. This pattern of corruption lasted until the end of the Qing dynasty and was a major cause of the Qing's decline.

  • 扁政府官员的交相堕落舞弊,究竟是源于民进党的腐败因子,或是阿扁贪腐所引发的「上行下效」,外界无从区隔。
    Does the decadence and rot among Chen regime officials stem from DPP corruption?Or does it stem from the negative example set by Chen Shui-bian himself?The outside world has no way of knowing.

  • 上行下效,畸型发展观还带引社会向着急功近利、唯利是图的道德深渊急速滑落,“笑贫不笑娼”,竟成一时风气。
    Follow suit, distorted view of development also lead society toward quick profits than the sharp decline in the moral abyss, "laughed poor than being a prostitute, " Tang culture moment.

  • 在“一把手”的示范带动下,作为崂山土地主管部门的区国土资源局的“一把手”于志军,也就上行下效,依样而行。
    In the "Leaders" demonstration, in charge of the area of land known as the land and resources bureau of the "top leaders" in Zhijun, also business calling the shots, according to kind of OK.

  • 在中国传统的社会里,博戏是一种流传久远且广泛的风习,并发展出桔补、双陆、打马、掷骰子等各种方式,在上层社会以此做为消遣与娱乐,市井小民也上行下效
    Gambling is a spread wide and deep folk custom in traditional Chinese society. Upper classes of society delight this entertainment and amusement, as well as the inferiors imitate the fashion.

  • 上行下效造句相关
