
不知深浅  bù zhī shēn qiǎn







  • 不知水的深浅,不可粗心趟水过河。
    Wade not in unknowingingn runing runing water.

  • 不知水的深浅,不可粗心趟水过河。
    W: Wade not in unknown water.

  • 不知深浅,涉水不安全。
    It is no safe wading in an unknown water.

  • 不知深浅,切勿涉河滩。
    Wade not in unknown water.

  • 不知深浅,千万莫轻涉。
    It's no safe wading in an unknown water.

  • 不知深浅,千万莫涉。
    Wade not in unknown water.

  • 突然,到处都是年轻、充满活力而不知深浅的狮子。
    Suddenly, there were lions everywhere –young, energetic lions that don't know their limitations.

  • 我们一群不知深浅的小丫头们,登船后迫不及待地先去攀岩壁处“打探”。
    We do not know the depth of a small girl who, after the board could not wait to go rock-climbing wall "inquire."

  • 身处其中而不知深浅,更不知惊涛将至,也许比“金融海啸”的冲击更为可怕。
    Places does not know the depth, did not know startled Tao to, perhaps "financial Tsunami" the impact is more fearful.

  • 可见世界上没有复杂的事情,只有复杂的心灵和黑洞般没有边际不知深浅的欲望。
    This shows the complexity of the world does not matter, only the complexity of the heart and not a black hole as I do not know the depth of the desire of the marginal.

  • 但对于绝大多数消费者来说,装修是一潭不知深浅的水,迈进去才明白“道儿”深。
    "However, the overwhelming majority of consumers do not know Tan decoration is a deep water, only to see a" Road abuse "deep.

  • 不知世事深浅,也没有无法以语言表达的预感的年轻人,很容易让自己被这样的旋风所席卷;
    I do not know the depth of things, nor can not hunches language young people, it is easy to allow himself to be swept by such a whirlwind;

  • 说到透支炒股,老股民只要一说起就知道是怎么回事,新股民都没经历过,不知其水的深浅
    Talking about overdraft and shares the old shareholders as long as I know about is how the case, the new shareholders have experienced no, I do not know the depth of the water.

  • 小马要过河,不知深浅,问牛大伯,牛大伯说水浅,能趟过去。可在一旁的松鼠告诉它,水很深,不能过。
    The pony must cross river, does not know the depth, asked Uncle Niu, Uncle Niu says the water to be shallow, could the past.

  • 他的衬衫上不知打了多少次补丁,弄得象他那张帆一样,这些补丁被阳光晒得褪成了许多深浅不同的颜色。
    His shirt to fight I do not know how many times a patch, made as his Fan, these patches were the sun sun-faded in many different shades of color.

  • 他的衬衫上不知打了多少次补丁,弄得象他那张帆一样,这些补丁被阳光晒得褪成了许多深浅不同的颜色。
    His shirt had been patched so many times that it was like the sail and the patches were faded to many different shades by the sun.

  • 繁兴科技的烹饪机器人始于一个梦想 , 一群有点儿“傻气”的人,为了实现一个看似飘渺的追求,不知深浅地走了十几年。
    The cooking robot of Pansum starts form a dream of a group of "silly" people, who have been keeping going in the dim course over ten years for a seemingly wispy aspiration.

  • 然而,现在北京也出现了以房养房的人,很是让人羡慕,也很想自己试一试,但却不知这里面“水”的深浅以及“下水”的时机。
    However, Beijing has now emerged to the Housing Fund of the Housing who is the envy of a people, but also to their desire, but they do not know that "water" and the characters "into" opportunity.

  • 不知深浅造句相关
