
不露声色  bù lù shēng sè








  • 汤姆说这一笑话时,丝毫不露声色
    Tom kept a straight face while telling the joke.

  • 他一直不露声色,甚至不眨一下眼皮。
    He kept his poker face, not even his eyelids stirred.

  • 形容外表不露声色暗中害人。
    describe the appearance Buloushengse secretly doing.

  • 他知道他哥哥去哪里了,但是他不露声色
    He knew where his brother was going, but he didn't let on.

  • 柯帕乌德在不露声色地收买所有小户的股票。
    Cowperwood had been quietly buying all of the small minority holdings.

  • 不露声色地坐下,拿出他的望远镜,向别处观望。
    Without communicating his thoughts to his companion, he sat down, drew out his opera-glass, and looked another way.

  • 骄傲严谨、充满自信、不露声色,这就是我了解的母亲。
    Proud, exacting, self-assured and unsentimental: that was the mother I knew.

  • “我还从没遇到过海员酝酿暴乱而不露声色的,”船长说。
    But I've never known a crew planning to mutiny that did not show some sign of it before, 'said the captain.

  • 她对他的到来也有点意外,但还是不露声色地准备了晚饭。
    She is also on his arrival a little accident, but still Bulushengse prepare the dinner.

  • 妻子呢也不露声色地背地偷情,隐瞒着她对家庭生活的厌烦。
    His wife also has a secret lover, hiding her weariness towards her family life.

  • 而在这儿,你直接感受的是悄无言语、不露声色的自然的力量。
    And here, what you experience directly is the natural force that quiet does not have verbal, not show one's feelings.

  • 虽然杰克的故事没有一句是真的的,可是他在讲述时却不露声色
    Jack told his story without batting an eyelash, although not a word of it was true.

  • 我从不知道老板是否喜欢我的工作--他是个真正的不露声色的人。
    I never know whether my boss likes my work or not -- he is a real poker face.

  • 我从来不知道我的老板对我的工作是否满意,他是个不露声色的人。
    I never know whether my boss likes my work or not -- he is a real poker face.

  • 我老板是个不露声色的人,我甚至都没有办法知道他究竟满不满意我的工作。
    He is a poker of face, even that he don't stir his eyelids.

  • 只是目前他不露声色,闭口不谈,但是等到时机成熟,他会宣布本人参选的。
    Right now he's lying low, not saying anything, but he's waiting for the right moment to announce he's in the race.

  • 一直在旁不露声色的任志强发言时用“小潘”来称呼自己这位多年的竞争对手。
    has been waiting beside the Renzhiqiang statement by the "gift" to call themselves this years competitors.

  • 巴勒特希望他看清楚,这种事情的关键是忠心――忠心,老练,巧妙,不露声色
    Bulter wanted him to see clearly that fidelity was the point in this case-fidelity, tact, subtlety, and concealment.

  • 当我回到医生那去听化验报告时,我试着保持冷静,不露声色,尽管害怕得要命。
    I tried to keep a poker face even though I was scared to death when I went back to my doctor to hear the results of my lab tests.

  • 阿尔弗雷德的这一举动被站在他身后窗户外面的贝基发现了,她马上不露声色地走开。
    Becky, glancing in at a window behind him at the moment, saw the act, and moved on, without discovering herself.

  • 它不仅具有社会调查学的意义,同时也对女性主义问题进行了一次不露声色的反思和追问。
    They are not only significant to social criminalistics, but also an undemonstrative thinking and questioning to the feminism problems.

  • 事实上,吴金贵早知道这么一天会到来,因此他在训练中倒也不露声色,完成了最后一班岗。
    In fact, Wu Jingui knew early such one day will arrive, therefore he will but actually also maintain composure in the training, has completed the last class of hillock.

  • 那天我们约好晚些时候再谈一谈,然后我不露声色、冷漠地走开了,装出一副不在乎的样子。
    We made a date to talk later that day and I walked away nonchalantly as if I didn't care.

  • 江一点不露声色,一闪身就不见了,跟着就在五十英尺以外的水边出现,就那么一刹那工夫。
    Without warning, Chiang vanished and appeared at the water's edge fifty feet away, all in the flicker of an instant.

  • 如果紧张而不露声色,故作镇静,仍非信心的结果,不过是抑制住了焦虑而已,并非真正的镇静。
    It is a living stillness born of trust. Quiet tension is not trust. It is simply compressed anxiety.

  • 按照标准的穿衣规则,男人穿皮鞋应该配深色的袜子,即使有花纹也应该是暗暗的,“不露声色”。
    In accordance with the standards of dress rules, men should wear shoes with dark socks, even if there are patterns should also be secretly, " quiet."

  • 她是一个冷酷自私的女人,喜欢把许多想法藏在心里,面子上一点不露声色,连眼色也不透露出一点。
    She was a cold, self-centred woman, with many a thought of her own which never found expression, not even by so much as the glint of an eye.

  • 而一些知名家具设计师创作的精致碟盘、玻璃器皿等小配件,也在细节处不露声色地表达着自己昂贵的身价。
    Some well-known furniture designers of exquisite dish creative dishes, glass and other small accessories, but also to express their own feelings details Department expensive prices.

  • 那句话里的“似乎”是个很贴切的词,当然,很多游客会告诉你,日本人用自欺欺人的方法,即使担心也丝毫不露声色
    "Seem" is the operative word in that sentence, of course, and many a visitor will tell you that Japan has mastered the art of not appearing to be worried by burying its collective head in the sand;

  • 第二天,小伙子骑着鞴了银装饰的银马,身披银盔银甲,手持银矛银盾与又出现在比武场,战胜了所有的骑士后,又不露声色地疾驰而去。
    The next day he returned on a silver horse with trappings of silver, dressed in silver armor and carrying his silver lance and shield. He defeated everyone and fled, still unknown to all.

  • 不露声色造句相关
