
东跑西颠  dōng pǎo xī diān







  • 一个生意人一年到头就得东跑西颠
    A businessman has to travel around most of the year.

  • 买东西总免不了东跑西颠
    Shop to always be unavoidable east run on the west bump.

  • 她是一个冷酷的女人,一个人在亚特兰大东跑西颠
    She's a mighty cold woman, prancing about Atlanta by herself.

  • 好多年来,我开着汽车东跑西颠,不是攀登就是滑雪。
    I lived out of my car for years, letting my climbing and skiing lead me.

  • 我党的多少宝贵时间都浪费在这些东跑西颠的“皇家使节”身上了。
    Countless times our Party suffered at the hands of these "imperial envoys", who rushed here, there and everywhere.

  • 他们东跑西颠地这么多天就是为了给您买螃蟹,还想上别的城市里去碰呢。
    It took them days running every where to get crabs for you and they even thought of trying another city.

  • 他们东跑西颠地这么多天就是为了给您买螃蟹,还想上别的城市里去碰呢。
    It took them days ru ing every where to get cra for you and they even thought of trying another city.

  • 我常空着肚子在大街上东跑西颠,有时也去拜访素不相识的人,例如德洛姆夫人。
    Dancing the streets on an empty belly and now and then calling on strange human – Madame Delorme, for instance.

  • 我常空着肚子在大街上东跑西颠,有时也去拜访素不相识的人,例如德洛姆夫人。
    Dancing the streets on an empty belly and now and then calling on strange people – Madame Delorme, for instance.

  • 于是我像臭虫一样东跑西颠,时不时地捡几个香烟屁股,有时偷偷地捡,有时又腆着脸公开捡。
    Dashing here and there like a bedbug, gathering butts now and then, sometimes furtively, sometimes brazenly;

  • 于是我像臭虫相同东跑西颠,时不时地捡几个香烟屁股,有时偷偷地捡,有时又腆着脸公开捡。
    Dashing ITe and tITe like a bedbug, gatITing butts now and then, at whiles furtively, at whiles brazenly;

  • 你会由于努力做事、长时间艰辛不懈地努力-像跑一场马拉松、东跑西颠了一天或者因为在家里做清洁、照顾孩子而感到很累。
    You get TIRED from exertion, from difficult or long-sustained effort—running a marathon, doing errands all day, managing your home and your kids' lives.

  • 东跑西颠造句相关
