
人命关天  rén mìng guān tiān








  • 让我们切记:人命关天,安全第一!
    Let us bear in mind: human life, safety first!

  • 这是一起人命关天的事。
    It was a fatality.

  • 神医考虑到人命关天,最后还是答应下来了。
    Highly skilled doctor closes a day considering human life, still promised to come down finally.

  • 航天事业,人命关天
    s Space industry, and human life.

  • 俗话说“人命关天”。
    Common saying says " human life closes a day " .

  • 医疗是事关人命关天大事,马虎不得,随意不得。
    Medical care is a major event bearing on human life, we should not be careless and random.

  • 医疗是事关人命关天的大事,马虎不得,随意不得。
    Medical care is a major event bearing on human life, we should not be careless and random.

  • 最好是只在两种情况下进言:当应人之邀时和人命关天时。
    That it is best to give advice in only two circumstances when it is requested and when it is a life-threatening situation.

  • 风四娘:春生他不是凶手,人命关天,你就这么不管了吗?
    Wind soundtrack: Chun-sheng he is not a murderer, the matter involving human life, so whether you?

  • 最好是只在两种情况下进言:当应人之邀和人命关天的时候;
    That it is best to give advice in only two circumstances: when it is requested and when it is a life-threatening situation.

  • 所谓人命关天,在部分同胞受难之时,举国的悲恸充分表现了出来。
    As a so-called human life, compatriots suffering in some of the time, the country's grief out of the full performance.

  • 所谓人命关天,在部分同胞受难之时,举国旳悲恸充分表现ㄋ出来。
    As a so-called human life, compatriots suffering in some of the time, the country's grief out of the full performance.

  • 人体的复杂性和人命关天的特殊性决定了临床工作具有持久的挑战性。
    It is the complexity of human body and the importance of human life that make the clinical work challenging.

  • 温家宝强调,人命关天,救人要紧,抗震救援要科学、有序、统一进行。
    Wen Jiabao stressed that human lives are of supreme bear rescue, relief to earthquake science, orderly, and reunification.

  • 也许没有什么比安乐死与流产更有争议了,因为它们都涉及人命关天的问题。
    Perhaps no issues are more controversial than euthanasia and abortionboth of which involve taking life of a human being.

  • 如果没有人命关天的大事。不要留言。这个只是我找人的查询系统。谢谢配合。
    No message please if there is no emergency. it's only a system for searching people to me. Thanks for your understanding and cooperation.

  • 防护用品人命关天编辑同志:前不久,我厂有一个职工因工作不慎,脚被熟料烫伤。
    Protective equipment human life closes a day to edit a comrade: Before before long, because the job is inadvertent, my factory has a worker, foot by clinker scald.

  • 人命关天,救人时不要使用天然纤维制成的绳索,虽然天然纤维制的绳索应对其他状况绰绰有余。
    The use of natural fibre rope must be discouraged for the rescue of human life. For most other operations, natural fibre rope will suffice.

  • 人命关天,请牢记自己的良心和良知,做了就是做了,错了就是错了,说一句道歉不会比帮凶更难。
    Human life closes a day, remember oneself conscience and conscience well please, was being done is to do, wrong be wrong, say an apology won't be more difficult than accomplice.

  • 而且总的看,目前“引咎辞职”还锁定在人命关天的大事上,尚未引入决策失误、用人失察等领域。
    But overall, the current "take the blame and resign" is also locked in an issue of vital importance, yet the introduction of decision-making mistakes in the field of cadre appointment, and so on.

  • 法官的话似乎是对的。政府有责任保证政策的前后连贯,不能武断行事,尤其是那些人命关天的政策。
    That seems right. Governments have a duty to be coherent, and not to act in arbitrary ways, especially when the potential stakes are life and death.

  • 而阿里巴巴反应神速,在当天就发表回应,第一句话便占尽道义先机:“人命关天,选择我们应该做的!”
    And Alibaba reacts amazingly quick, published a response that day, the first word takes morality and justice first machine: "Human life closes a day, choose us to should be done!"

  • 而阿里巴巴反应神速,在当天就发表回应,第一句话便占尽道义先机:“人命关天,选择我们应该做的!”
    Alibaba and are quick to respond on the same day issued a response to the first sentence would be the most moral advantage: "life is precious, we should choose to do! ""

  • 我把辅导员请进屋来,这很重要,因为是人命关天的事,必须要有大人介入。辅导员把那个学生带出了教室。
    I called the counselor into the room because it's important to have an adult involved when a life is in danger, and she took the student out of her classroom.

  • 于是,人命关天的大问题,就被排挤成并不重要的小问题,甚至变成了别有用心的根本不要理会的“坏问题”。
    As a result, human lives are a major issue, it does not matter to be squeezed into a small, and even become a fundamental need not bother about the motives of the "bad problem."

  • 人命关天啊,作为弱势群体,我们都能够不畏艰难险阻,查找到线索,但却因公安部门的互相推诿,寻子工作只能中断。
    These are thousands lives in weak condition. Common people like us can find traces and information without fear of dangerous. Why our police who have the responsibly to protect us refuse to help us.

  • 出版长篇小说《大都要案》等两部,文集《警察精神》,主编出版《公安政工领导全书》,编著纪实文学《人命关天》等。
    He is also the compiler of A Manual for Public Security Officials and an anthology of non-fiction literature Human Life above All.

  • 据警方的广播报道说,一个人在自己家的私人车道上倒一辆轻型小货车时出了意外,车轮从自己的小孙女身上轧了过去。这是一起人命关天的事。
    A man, the police-dispatcher's broadcast said, had accidentally backed his pickup truck over his baby granddaughter in the driveway of the family home. It was a fatality.

  • 据警方的广播报道说,一个人在自己家的私人车道上倒一辆轻型小货车时出了意外,车轮从自己的小孙女身上轧了过去。这是一起人命关天的事。
    A man, the police dispatcher's broadcast said, had accidentally backed his pickup truck over his baby granddaughter in the driveway of the family home.

  • 这不是一件警方要处理的问题,警方手头上有很多的罪案及人命关天的事情要办,已经是难以分身,而我们这问题只是想知道遗失了的动物是否就在爱协?
    Don't you think you could have just told me whether the animal was there or not?It was not a police matter, I just wanted to know if you had any knowledge of the animal.

  • 人命关天造句相关
