
余音绕梁  yú yīn rào liáng








  • 有的声音虽然高亢,却似余音绕梁
    While seeing some voices, seen lingering sound Perform at;

  • 这歌声真可以说是余音绕梁
    Their song is really "yu yin rao liang".

  • 心碎,弦断,只有余音绕梁
    String broken heart, only lingering.

  • 你充满激情的演讲余音绕梁,三日不绝。
    You deliver an impassioned speech that echoes through all listening ears like poetry.

  • 老歌依然,余音绕梁未逝。
    Those old melodies still sound so good to me.

  • 余音绕梁”梁文音后援会令记者也尤其深刻。
    "Yu Yin Rao Liang " Liang Wen Yin fans club has make the reporters especially profound.

  • 两个奥运会,是一首动听的乐曲,拨人心弦、余音绕梁
    Two Olympic Games, are an interesting to listen to music, dials the person heartstrings, to linger in the room;

  • 诗歌朗诵,歌咏比赛余音绕梁,令人击节赞赏,忘形高歌。
    poetry, singing traditional residual sound game, hit an appreciation for the festival, singing a little carried away.

  • 记忆如音符, 不管美丽或者破碎,皆是余音绕梁永久不衰。
    Memory like atmosphere, beautiful or broken, lingering sound of music are not permanent decline .

  • 北京市场上虽然也“掌声一片”,却总让人觉得这是余音绕梁
    Beijing ground while also "applause piece, " he always gave the impression that this is the lingering sound Perform at.

  • 她作品中对语言的灵巧富有诗意的运用犹如余音绕梁,三日不绝。
    Her deft, poetic use of language in her novels leaves memorable images in the reader's mind for years.

  • 前年的今天巧巧曾一曲生日快乐歌的祝福…那优雅的歌声至今难以忘却,余音绕梁
    Two years ago today Qiaoqiao had the blessings of a happy birthday song … then the songs are still unable to forget the elegant, lingering sound reverberate …

  • 如果你的决心“余音绕梁”,那么就更容易坚持。我每天都看一遍自己的“决心章”。
    If your resolution is buzzing through your head, it's easier to stick to it. I review my Resolutions Chart every night.

  • 她抬起头注视着他然后对他微微一笑。她说话时声音如同轻柔而余音绕梁的旋律“你好,我的信徒。”
    She looked up at him and gave him a slight smile. Her voice was like a soft, lingering melody as she spoke. "Hello, disciple. ""

  • 那种感动就好像是听了十多年的磁带机,突然听到cd机的声音一样,余音绕梁三日,让人欲罢不能。
    That moving is like listening to the tape drive more than 10 years, suddenly heard the voice of cd, sustain Raoliang 3, the people Yubabuneng.

  • 一直觉得大话才是神作,真正能够震撼人心的电影百年难得一出,第一次看完之后余音绕梁、三日不绝。
    Have always felt that lying to God is a truly stirring film a-century one, the first reverberation linger after reading three days without a break.

  • 时常回顾你的决心。如果你的决心“余音绕梁”,那么就更容易坚持。我每天都看一遍自己的“决心章”。
    Review your resolution constantly. If your resolution is buzzing through your head, it's easier to stick to it. I review my Resolutions Chart every night.

  • 时常回顾你的决心。如果你的决心“余音绕梁”,那么就更容易坚持。我每天都看一遍自己的“决心章”。
    ing through your head, it's easier to stick to it. I review my Resolutions Chart every night.

  • 时常回顾你的决心。如果你的决心“余音绕梁”,那么就更容易坚持。我每天都看一遍自己的“决心章程”。
    Review your resolution constantly. If your resolution is buzzing through your head, it's easier to stick to it. I review my Resolutions Chart every night.

  • 时常回顾你的决心。如果你的决心“余音绕梁”,那么就更容易坚持。我每天都看一遍自己的”决心章程“。
    Review your resolution constantly. If your resolution is buzzing through your head, it's easier to stick to it. I review my Resolutions Chart every night.

  • 时常回顾你的决心。假如你的决心“余音绕梁”,那么就更简易坚持。我每一天都看一遍本人的“决心章”。
    Review your resolution constantly. If your resolution is buzzing through your head, it's easier to stick to it. I review my Resolutions Chart eVery abundance night.

  • 时常回顾你的决心。假如你的决心“余音绕梁”,那么就更简易坚持。我每一天都看一遍本人的”决心章程“。
    Review your resolution constantly. If your resolution is buzzing through your head, it's easier to stick to it. I review my Resolutions Chart eVery abundance night.

  • 奇火大锅,云蒸雾蔼,千般宠爱,在于一锅。待筵席散尽,唯见文字锅里煮,沸沸扬扬,余音绕梁,不胜唏嘘!
    Qi fire Taiguo, cloud steaming fog Ai, Qianban love, is a pot. Question banquet disappears, but the text see Guo Lizhu, a hubbub, sustain Raoliang, numerous Xishi!

  • 男孩们依旧在演绎着朗朗上口的歌曲,这些富有魅力的歌曲能让你感觉(余音绕梁数周,如果不是数月的话。
    The boys are still churning out the horrendously catchy songs that feel destined to bounce around your head for weeks, if not months.

  • 动情的歌声“余音绕梁,三日不绝”是对歌者传情的生动描述,这也是民族唱法重在对作品表现的一个主要特点。
    Emotional song "Yin Yu linger three days we do not" is a vivid Regards对歌are described, which is singing the national focus on the works of one of the main characteristics of the performance.

  • 作为一部音乐剧,《窈窕淑女》最吸引我的地方还是穿插全剧的十几首歌曲,每一首都是余音绕梁,值得反复玩味。
    As a musical, "My Fair Lady" the most attractive place I was the play of the dozen songs interspersed in each capital city is buzzing, it is worth pondering again.

  • 其通篇洋溢着机智、诙谐和幽默,可谓字字珠玑句句“哲理”,让人开怀大笑之后又回味无穷,余音绕梁三日而不绝。
    Throughout its filled with witty, humorous and witty, every word can be said Abas sentence "philosophy", people laugh after another memorable, but not Siyahamba no residual sound.

  • 人们开始从座位上站起来、呼喊声、掌声,疾风一般将那位牧师的声音带上房橼…简单的一句‘希望’,掷地有声、余音绕梁
    People began to shout, to rise from their seats and clap and cry out, a forceful wind carrying the reverend's voice up into the rafters…. And in that single note – hope!

  • 虽说那竞选胜利还三日绕梁余音不绝,两院议会奥氏人马仍占多数,选民的善意也显而易见,然而奥巴马这儿呢,好像却莫名其妙地——虚了。
    Despite his resounding electoral victory, his solid majorities in both chambers of Congress and the obvious goodwill of the bulk of the electorate, Mr Obama has seemed curiously feeble.

  • 虽然关于担心重演七十年代的浪费的声音仍余音绕梁,但时代已不同了,大多数的资金消耗由私人公司完成,他们更多的着眼于客户的需求,而不是国家的要求。
    There are worrying echoes of the wasteful 1970s. But this time round, more of the spending is being done by private companies, with an eye to consumer demand, rather than by states.

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