
作奸犯科  zuò jiān fàn kē








  • 如果作奸犯科的话,连干爹也容不了你。
    If you commit any crime, I'll punish you too.

  • 作奸犯科,触犯了法律,因而被人砍头?
    Or were you beheaded because you did evil to infringe upon the law?

  • 他们的任务就是对作奸犯科的人进行无尽的惩罚。
    the endless punishment of human sinners is their mission.

  • 对那些肉体贞洁而精神似作奸犯科之人将如何审判?
    What judgment pronounce you upon him who though honest in the flesh yet is a thief in spirit?

  • 当然,不会有人斗胆向上帝祈祷作奸犯科顺利的吧?
    God has his plan. We'll never know it.

  • 他们无权逮捕作奸犯科的大陆宪兵,无权干预军队。
    They have no right to arrest the Chinese gendarmes or military police who commit crimes, and no right to interfere with the army.

  • 黑社会头目雷老大作奸犯科无恶不作,更涉嫌杀害警员。
    The head of gangland keeps violating the law. He is also suspected that he murders a police officer.

  • 只要不作奸犯科,靠劳动吃饭值得尊敬,不劳而获的闲人才是社会垃圾。
    They work legally, and are respectable, those who reap where one has not sown are the rubbish.

  • 美军士兵在韩国作奸犯科的不是一次两次了,韩国政府有这么叫嚣过吗?
    American soldiers in Korea have committed more than a few crimes there, and did the Korean government holler so much then?

  • 他们嫌外来移民随地吐痰、偷电、作奸犯科、骚扰妇女,榨乾公共救济金。
    They say migrants spit, steal electricity, commit crime, harass women, drain the public dole.

  • 那些作奸犯科的人,吞我民如食馒头;总不呼号上主的人,岂不是愚蠢糊涂?
    Will these evil doers never learn? They devour my people as they devour bread; they do not call upon the LORD.

  • 那些作奸犯科的人,吞我民如食馒头;总不呼号天主的人,岂不是愚蠢糊涂?
    Will these evil doers never learn? They devour my people as they devour bread; they do not call upon God.

  • 比如不良的帮派中,组织成员非常讲究义气,他们可以为兄弟作奸犯科,所谓义无反顾
    For example, members of malicious gang take the personal loyalty very seriously. They think that they will do evil for other members, which they call "to be duty-bound not to turn back."

  • 歹徒虽然一时茂盛有如青草,作奸犯科的人虽然一时显耀,然而他们终必灭亡,永远沉消。
    Though the wicked flourish like grass and all sinners thrive, They are destined for eternal destruction;

  • 有时候,塞翁失马,焉知祸福。也许有一天,我们会感谢这两个正在受到指控的作奸犯科者。
    Sometimes, from this much bad comes some good. We may even want to thank these two alleged perpetrators someday.

  • 多数情况下,国际引渡事宜单调乏味,作奸犯科之人在填完了无数枯燥的表格后才被带回国接受审判。
    Most of the time, international extradition is a boring business involving a lot of dull form-filling, after which wrongdoers are taken back to face justice.

  • 他还得告诉我加拿大的学校里不应开设黑人历史课,因为“除了作奸犯科,黑人为这个国家没做什么。”
    He also had to tell me that black history should not be taught in Canadian schools because "blacks have done nothing for this country except commit crimes."

  • 若要瞭解并欣赏这个比喻里令人震惊的真理,你可以这样想:那个法利赛人是你,税吏是一个作奸犯科的人。
    To appreciate the shock value of this parable, think of it in these terms: the Pharisee is you and the tax collector is a convicted rapist.

  • “你要制止他们偷窃,让他们物归原主,并且道歉,“但还不必把他们送进地方监狱,好像自己的孩子可能永远都会作奸犯科一样。”
    "They need to be stopped, they need to pay it back and they need to apologize, " she said, "but they shouldn't be taken to the county jail or treated as if they're bound to be criminals forever.

  • 作奸犯科造句相关
