
养家活口  yǎng jiā huó kǒu







  • 女性现在担负着养家活口的责任。
    Women are now bearing the burden of being breadwinners.

  • 奥利弗挣不到足够的钱来养家活口
    Oliver could hardly earn enough to provide for his family.

  • 他努力工作目的在于养家活口
    He works hard with an eye to supporting his family.

  • 她感到养家活口是她的责任。
    She feels it her duty to support her family.

  • 父亲肩负着养家活口的责任。
    Our father shoulders the responsibility of supporting the family.

  • 一个男人能不能养家活口并不是最重要的特质。
    Many men nowadays would rather have women bring home the bacon.

  • 等你要养家活口的时候,你就知道钱的重要了。
    You will know how important money is when you became a breadwinner yourself.

  • 一个男人能不能养家活口并不是最重要的特质。
    Being able to bring home the bacon isn't the most important trait to look for in a man.

  • 我们工作纯粹只是为了养家活口,然而现在不同了。
    We work to make a living, supporting ourselves and families. But now it is different.

  • 程式设计师如何在写自由软体之馀又能养家活口呢?
    How does a programmer do this and still feed his family.

  • 丈夫:我是负责养家活口的人,那才是我该担心的事。
    Husband: I bring home the bacon. That's all I should worry about.

  • 妻子:那好吧,但我担心养家活口的那个人是头肮脏的猪。
    Wife: Well that's fine but I worry about the pig that brings it home.

  • 他因家贫无力养家活口,妻子带著三个孩子随岳父远走他乡。
    Because of his incapability of supporting his family, his wife took their three children together with her father and went far away.

  • 如果您不幸去世,谁来替你养家活口?谁来供你的孩子完成学业?
    If you die, who will feed your family? Who will put your children through school?

  • 我们依所得养家活口,我们依所给丰富生命。多多付出帮助别人。
    We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give. –Sir Winston Churchill.

  • 你知道,我要攒钱买车,又要养家活口,所以我正忙着使收支平衡。
    support a family. So I'm busy trying to make ends meet.

  • 自由软件的概念很难让人们了解。程序设计师如何在写自由软件之余又能养家活口呢?
    The Free Software concept is hard for some people to understand. How does a programmer do this and still feed his family.

  • 这种经历让我明白:所有的工作都有尊严,只要人们能自食其力,养家活口,就该受到尊重。
    The experience taught me that any job people do to support themselves and their families deserves respect.

  • 我跟你母亲为了维持这个家庭都非常辛苦地工作。等到你要养家活口的时候,你就知道钱的重要了。
    Your mother and I work very hard to maintain this family, you'll know how important money is when you become a breadwinner yourself.

  • 这句话的意思是:我的朋友丹尼尔没有受过教育,所以很难找到一个像样的工作,有足够的钱来养家活口
    it's hard for him to find a decent job and earn enough money for his family.

  • 这句话的意思是:我的朋友丹尼尔没有受过教育,所以很难找到一个像样的工作,有足够的钱来养家活口
    education so it's hard for him to find a decent job and earn enough money for his family.

  • 南韩决心去除教科书中僵化的性别定型。长期以来,南韩教科书中的女人都是负责家务,男人则养家活口
    South Korea is set to cleanse gender stereotypes from its school textbooks, where women have long been depicted as housekeepers and men as the breadwinners.

  • 这句话的意思是:“我的朋友丹尼尔没有受过教育,所以很难找到一个像样的工作,有足够的收入来养家活口
    My friend Daniel has no education so it's hard for him to find a decent job and earn enough money for his family.

  • 例如,一位丈夫很想去钓鱼,但他还是去上班了,因为他的良心告诉他,太太和孩子都需要他赚钱来养家活口
    For example a husband may go to work when he feels like going fishing. Because his conscience tells him that his wife and children need the money to eat.

  • 学校一般不会教导个人理财,男性从扮演养家活口的角色中学到理财,而担任传统家管角色的女性则不会接触这方面。
    Personal finance is not typically taught in schools and, while men may learn it in their traditional roles as providers, women do not in their traditional roles as caretakers, she said.

  • 那名商人说道:““各位先生,我雇用好几千名员工,他们都要靠我养家活口,我想你们都同意我必须活着回去。””
    The businessman said, "Sirs, I employ thousands of people. Their lives and those of their families depend on me. I think you'll agree that I must survive."

  • 这不仅是统计数字,但数以百万计的美国人,不知道他们如何付帐单、还贷款、养家活口,正亲身感受著各人的艰难困顿。
    These aren't just statistics, but hardships experienced personally by millions of Americans who no longer know how they'll pay their bills, or make their mortgage, or raise their families.

  • 我只是想指出在实际生效的双重标准:家庭全职父亲受到人们的赞扬,而家庭全职母亲和养家活口的父亲,所得到文化上的认同却很少,甚至完全得不到。
    I only mean to point out the double standard at work when at-home lads are applauded while at-home mothers And breadwinner fathers are given little, if any, cultural recognition.

  • 我只是想指出在实际生效的双重标准:家庭全职父亲受到人们的赞扬,而家庭全职母亲和养家活口的父亲,所得到文化上的认同却很少,甚至完全得不到。
    I only mean to point out the double standard at work when at-home lads are applauded while at-home mothers and breadwinner fathers are given little, if any, cultural recognition.

  • 任何东西都是用某种材料做的,人们在制造这些东西时也必须受苦,他们为了要养家活口,不得不从事工资低、工时又长的行业,因为那是他们唯一能找到的工作。
    Everything is made from something. People have to suffer for it, work for low wages and work long hours to support their family, because that's the only job they can get.

  • 养家活口造句相关
