
删繁就简  shān fán jiù jiǎn








  • 国企改革,删繁就简,进退有度,机制再造;
    SOE reform, Shanpojiujian, moves have degrees mechanism recycling;

  • 前人说得好:删繁就简三秋树,领异标新二月花。
    predecessors right when he said: San-Qiu tree, marked differences from the new flower February.

  • 这便是删繁就简、婚事从俭的新俗,是一种新风象。
    This is the Shanfanjiujian, from the frugal new marriage customs, as is a new wind.

  • 但与二段不同者,就必须删繁就简,而最后图穷匕见巧发奇中
    However, Sec different, we must Shanfanjiujian, and the last Tuqiongbijian, Qiao in the singular.

  • 一站式服务的目的是删繁就简,实现服务流程和内容的集成、整合。
    The aim of One-stop Service is to simplify and integrate the service flow and contents.

  • 在此过程中 ,经济学的一系列公理和命题都经历了一场删繁就简的洗礼。
    The process is here medium, a series of axiom of economics and proposition experienced the ablution of a simplify sth by cutting out the superfluous.

  • 不过考虑到现代人的生活方式,还是删繁就简,取其精华,精心搭配出满汉分章。
    However, taking into account modern lifestyles, or Shanfanjiujian, elements, a mix of fish sub-chapter carefully.

  • 在家居装修的方案上,要把握“删繁就简”的原则,不要与装修公司一道追加预算;
    On the plan that decorates in household, should hold " simplify sth by cutting out the superfluous " principle, not with decorate a additional budget of company;

  • 删繁就简三秋树,领异标新二月花。”苏教版小语教材今年将继1—4册之后,陆续出版5—8册。
    teaching material of little sign of Su Jiao edition this year afterwards 1, 4 later, publish in succession 5, 8.

  • 转向基于云计算的电子邮件、会计和用户跟踪系统后,公司能够删繁就简,降低维护成本,因为一个网络浏览器能完成一切工作。
    By switching to cloud-based email, accounting and customer-tracking systems, firms can reduce complexity and maintenance costs, because everything runs inside a web browser.

  • 由于《名义》在收录义项时删繁就简,部分义项由于误删或脱字而失去常态,成了假义项,其中表现之一就是某些义项与其字头相同。
    Part of the items of meaning in Mingyi lose their normality because of wrongly delete or missing words, these items of meaning become fake ones by the form of sameness with their head words.

  • 删繁就简三秋树,领异标新二月花”。这是我国清代画家兼诗人郑板桥的一幅好对联,很精辟地将世间的“简繁”道理讲得入木三分
    Zheng Banqiao, a famous Chinese painter and poet in Qing Dynasty, was good at make a vivid description of "Complication and Simple" through one pair of his antithetical couplets.

  • 本文对运筹学中的两个问题提出了一些看法,显然这是“删繁就简”的。因为问题或许原本并没有那么复杂,只是我们把它们复杂化了。本文正是指出了这一点。
    This paper gives some opinions for two problems in operational research. These problems are not as complicated as we think, because we make them complicated. So we point them out.

  • 删繁就简造句相关
