
千疮百孔  qiān chuāng bǎi kǒng








  • 啊哈,看呀,这南瓜已经千疮百孔了!
    Aha, look, the pumpkin has holes here and there!

  • 它就像一个严重破损的船,已经千疮百孔
    It is like a severely punctured boat, and the holes are just too numerous to be repaired.

  • 关键的基础设施如水、电等都已千疮百孔
    Its infrastructure is crippled in critical areas like power and water.

  • 这电脑刚买还没有两年,便已经千疮百孔了。
    It has not yet bought a computer for two years, he has been scarred by.

  • 尽管信心有所恢复,但金融体系仍千疮百孔
    Despite the recovery in confidence, the financial system remains damaged (see chart).

  • 墙壁千疮百孔,顺着裂缝你能扔进去一只猫。
    There are breaches in the walls that you could throw a cat through.

  • 结果新居被弄的千疮百孔、施工现场噪声隆隆。
    Get the results of new homes are plagued with problems, the construction site noise rumble.

  • 你的心已经是千疮百孔,每个伤口都在汩汩的流血。
    Your mind is already full of holes, each wound in turning bloodshed.

  • 刺猬拔掉了最后一根刺,千疮百孔,摇摇晃晃的走到玫瑰面前。
    Hedgehog stumbles to Rose after pulling out the last quill, leaving blood and wounds all over himself.

  • 这期间,它经受了虫咬石击,以致千疮百孔,可是它并没有凋零。
    During this time, it has stood worms and bitten the stone to hit, so that is riddled with gaping wounds, but it has not withered.

  • 恐怖的战争,中国人的尸体漂浮在白河里,背后是千疮百孔的法国租界。
    Horrors of war -dead Chinese floating in the Pei-ho - showing riddled building, Tienstin, China.

  • 经济领头羊建筑业已是千疮百孔,数十万处新建房屋滞销,短期内复苏无望。
    The construction industry is in tatters and, with hundreds of thousands of unsold new houses, is not about to recover.

  • 他仍在试图重塑美国的道德权威,并修复依赖中国借贷、千疮百孔的美国经济。
    He is still trying to restore the country's moral authority and a battered economy dependent on Chinese lending.

  • 千疮百孔的公共财政体系面前,以保障公共健康的名义增税的机会看上去并不是那么好。
    And with gaping holes in public finances the chance to raise taxes in the name of public health has never looked so good.

  • 外部世界留给刚果整个国家的形象是战争过后的千疮百孔,而在某种程度上,事实的确如此。
    The wars in Congo have given the whole country a disastrous image, in the outside world and, in a way, rightly so.

  • 十年前亚洲金融危机结束时,很多国家重新修补了其千疮百孔的金融系统但却使经济更加向出口倾斜。
    After the crisis a decade ago, many countries fixed their broken financial systems, but left their economies skewed towards exports.

  • 他们一直密切地关注着他,根本无法理解为什么他那被癌症折磨得千疮百孔的身体怎么才能维持得下来。
    They kept a loving watch on him and just couldn't understand how a body so riddled with cancer could continue to function so well.

  • 在莫斯科对于这个世界上最大国家千疮百孔的统治权当中,俄罗斯的远东地区历来都是战略上最脆弱的一部分。
    Russia's far east has always been the most strategically vulnerable part of Moscow's fissiparous imperium, in what is the world's biggest country.

  • 学生“惑”的太多,不免心焦急躁,没有耐心听老师讲课,就如一把千疮百孔的伞,哪耐得住几场大雨的浇淋?
    Students "confusion" too much, can not help but anxious impatience, not patience to listen to teachers lecture, as a lame umbrella, which endure several rain Pour?

  • 而这一次的战争将是史无前例的残酷,人类最终会在2006年由于核战而如恐龙般绝迹于这个千疮百孔的世界。
    It would be a war with unprecedented Brutality, and mankind would become extinct, like the dinosaurs, in 2006 when nuclear warfare finally destroys the Earth.

  • 经济学家,科学家及政治家计挖掘和霸占资源,使地球千疮百孔,犹如一个风烛残年的老病人,痛苦不堪。
    It is badly damaged, like a twilight of an old painful patient's life, due to economics, scientists and politician excavate and forcibly occupy resources by every conceivable means.

  • 它平实无华却又深入严密地向读者展现,一个完整的国家是怎样被贪官们黏糊糊的巨爪东分西扯,啃得千疮百孔的。
    It is a down-to-earth yet sophisticated exposé of how an entire country can be munched in the clammy claws of corruption.

  • 以爱情电影来看,也许不太浪漫,但自己从来都不相信惊天动地的爱情,只希望可捕足到千疮百孔的感情世界中的一点真诚。
    As a love story, it may not be too romantic. But never someone given to earth-shattering romances, my only wishes is to capture a little truth and honesty in an emotional world shot full of holes.

  • 原来天鹅们将那只冻在冰上的黑额黑雁围住了,我的朋友担心那只命在旦夕的黑额黑雁或许将在一群天鹅的利喙下变得千疮百孔
    As the swans surrounded the frozen goose, she feared what life it still had might be packed out by those great swan bills.

  • 原来天鹅们将那只冻在冰上的黑额黑雁围住了,我的朋友担心那只命在旦夕的黑额黑雁或许将在一群天鹅的利喙下变得千疮百孔
    As the swans surrounded the frozen goose, she feared what life it still had might be pecked out by those great swan bills.

  • 电视播放的画面显示了一名左腿血淋淋的女士被台上担架,显示了一栋玻璃破碎的红砖大楼,楼顶的天花板因爆炸的碎片千疮百孔
    TV footage showed a woman with a bloodied left leg being carried on a stretcher and a red brick building with shattered windows. Its ceiling was pockmarked with shrapnel from the blast.

  • 上个月,汇集两党智叟们(还有一位贤明的女士)的贝克——汉密尔顿调查小组,告知国会现在美国在伊战场形式“千疮百孔,日益恶化”。
    Only last month the Baker-Hamilton group, a bipartisan group of wise men (and one wise woman) told Congress that the situation in Iraq was "grave and deteriorating".

  • 表面风流不羁的刘文医生为理想放弃大医院工作,反而乐于在红灯区医治品流复杂的人,他不但治愈他们身体的创伤,更救治了他们千疮百孔的心灵。
    Mack Lau gives up his career in a famed hospital and opens a clinic in a run-down place. Not only does he heal the residences' wounds, but also their torn-and-broken hearts.

  • 然而在数字时代,大约有70000名中国大学生在美国学习,中国的大学里也有163000名外国大学生在此深造,阻挡信息的隔阂可谓千疮百孔
    But in a digital age when nearly 70, 000 Chinese students are studying in the United States and roughly 163, 000 foreign students study at Chinese universities, walls against information are porous.

  • 不过相当多的人为他的离去感到惋惜,这并不是出于对这个人的尊重,而是因为他们失去了一个尽管千疮百孔但至少安全的伊拉克,未来也变得捉摸不定。
    But quite a few regret his departure, less out of admiration for the man than out of sadness for the deeply flawed but at least secure and predictable Iraq they have lost.

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